1982年12月南通大学医学院医学系本科毕业,获医学学士学位;1988 年8月山东大学医学院妇产科学硕士研究生毕业,获医学硕士学位;2006 年6月浙江大学医学院妇产科学博士研究生毕业,获医学博士学位。从1982-至今,一直从事妇产科学临床、教学、科研和管理工作。先后在南通大学附属第一医院、山东大学附属省立医院和浙江大学附属妇产科医院就职。2000-2001年以国家公派访问学者身份赴加拿大British Columbia 大学进修学习生殖内分泌。研究方向: 1、生殖衰老与不孕;2、辅助生殖与优生技术;3、生殖安全与出生缺陷防控。先后参编专著一部;教材二部;公开发表SCI论文20篇;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项(No. 30471642;No. 81070541);参与国家“973”、“863”等重大科研项目和其它国家及省部级科研项目多项。
1.Zheng YM, Li L, Zhou LM, Le F, Cai LY, Yu P, Zhu YR, Liu XZ, Wang LY, Li LJ, Lou YY, Xu XR, Lou HY, Zhu XM (朱小明), Sheng JZ, Huang HF, Jin F*: Alterations in the frequency of trinucleotide repeat dynamic mutations in offspring conceived through assisted reproductive technology. Hum Reprod 2013, 28(9):2570-80
2.Xu XR, Fu R, Wang LY, Wang N, Zhang F, Le F, Li L, Li LJ, Liu XZ, Zheng YM,. Lou HY, Jiang SW, Zhu XM (朱小明), Huang HF, Jin F*: Epigenetic inheritance of paternally expressed imprinted genes in the testes of ICSI mice. Curr Pharm Des 2013. PMID:2390980
3.Wang LY, Wang N, Le F, Li L, Li LJ, Liu XZ, Zheng YM, Lou HY, Xu XR, Zhu XM (朱小明), Zhu YM, Huang HF, Jin F*: Persistence and intergenerational transmission of differentially expressed genes in the testes of intracytoplasmic sperm injection conceived mice. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2013, 14:372-381.
4.Wang LY, Le F, Wang N, Li L, Liu XZ, Zheng YM, Lou HY, Xu XR, Chen YL, Zhu XM (朱小明), Huang HF, Jin F: Alteration of fatty acid metabolism in the liver, adipose tissue, and testis of male mice conceived through assisted reproductive technologies: fatty acid metabolism in ART mice. Lipids Health Dis 2013, 12:5.
5.Wu YT, Wang TT, Chen XJ, Zhu XM (朱小明), Dong MY, Sheng JZ, Xu CM, Huang HF: Bone morphogenetic protein-15 in follicle fluid combined with age may differentiate between successful and unsuccessful poor ovarian responders. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2012, 10:6.
6.Yin LJ, Zhang Y, Lv PP, He WH, Wu YT, Liu AX, Ding GL, Qu F, Xu CM, Dong MY, Zhu XM (朱小明) and Huang HF: Insufficient maintenance DNA methylation is associated with abnormal embryonic development. BMC Med. 2012 Mar 13;10:26
7.Feng C, Tian S, Zhang Y, He J, Zhu XM (朱小明), Zhang D, Sheng JZ, Huang HF, General imprinting status is stable in assisted reproduction-conceived offspring. Fertil Steril, 2011; 96:1417–23.
8.He RH, Zhu XM (朱小明,通讯作者), How to deal with fluid in the endometrial cavity during assisted reproductive techniques. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2011; 23(3):190-4.
9.He RH, Gao HJ, Li YQ, and Zhu XM (朱小明,通讯作者), The associated factors to endometrial cavity fluid and the relevant impact on the IVF-ET outcome. Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2010. 8:46.
10.Tang L, Zhang Y, Pan H, Luo Q, Zhu X-M (朱小明), Dong M-Y, Leung P, Sheng J-Z, and Huang H-F, Involvement of cyclin B1 in progesterone-mediated cell growth inhibition, G2/M cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis in human endometrial cell. Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2009. 7(1):144.
11.Lin K, Zhu X (朱小明), Xu H, Liang Z, Zhang X: Reproductive outcome following resectoscope metroplasty in women having a complete uterine septum with double cervix and vagina. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009;105:25-8
12.Zhu XM (朱小明), Zhu YM, Xu CM, Qian YL, Jin F, and Huang HF, Autologous mature follicular fluid: its role in in vitro maturation of human cumulus-removed oocytes. Fertil Steril, 2008. 90(4):1094-102.
13.Wu YT, Tang L, Cai J, Lu XE, Xu J, Zhu XM (朱小明), Luo Q, Huang HF*: High bone morphogenetic protein-15 level in follicular fluid is associated with high quality oocyte and subsequent embryonic development. Hum Reprod 2007, 22:1526-1531.
14.Liu AX, Zhu YM, Luo Q, Wu YT, Gao HJ, Zhu XM (朱小明), Xu CM, Huang HF: Specific peptide patterns of follicular fluids at different growth stages analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 2007, 1770:29-38.
15.Luo Q, Ning WX, Wu YT, Zhu XM (朱小明), Jin F, Sheng JZ, Huang HF, Altered expression of interleukin-18 in ectopic and eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis. J Reprod Immunol 2006; 72:108-17
16.Luo Q, Yang J, Zeng QL, Zhu XM (朱小明), Qian YL, Huang HF: 50-Hertz electromagnetic fields induce gammaH2AX foci formation in mouse preimplantation embryos in vitro. Biol Reprod. 2006; 75:673-80
17.Jin L, Zhu XM (朱小明,共同第一作者), Luo Q, Qian Y, Jin F, and Huang HF, A novel SNP at exon 17 of INSR is associated with decreased insulin sensitivity in Chinese women with PCOS. Mol Hum Reprod, 2006. 12:151-5
18.Ruan HC, Zhu XM (朱小明,共同第一作者), Luo Q, Liu AX, Qian YL, Zhou CY, Jin F, Huang HF, and Sheng JZ, Ovarian stimulation with GnRH agonist, but not GnRH antagonist, partially restores the expression of endometrial integrin beta3 and leukaemia-inhibitory factor and improves uterine receptivity in mice. Hum Reprod, 2006. 21:2521-9.
19.朱小明,金帆和黄荷凤:人自体胚胎干细胞创建技术的研究进展[J]. 《国外医学》(计划生育分册)2006; 25:121-124
20.朱小明,蔡婕和黄荷凤:卵巢低反应的诊断标准和预测[J]. 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 2006; 22:388-390
21.朱小明和黄荷凤:月经的生理和调节[J]. 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 2004; 20:208-209
22.朱小明,黄荷凤和朱依敏:医源性多胎妊娠的伦理问题及对策[J]. 《医学与哲学》 2003; 22(11):36-38
23.Leung PC, Cheng CK, and Zhu XM (朱小明), Multi-factorial role of GnRH-I and GnRH-II in the human ovary. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 2003, 202:145-53.
24.Lau HL, Zhu XM (朱小明), Leung PC, Chan LW, Chen GF, Chan PS, Yu KL, and Chan FL, Detection of mRNA expression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its receptor in normal and neoplastic rat prostates. Int J Oncol, 2001. 19:1193-201.
1.《其它内分泌疾病与闭经》。见陈子江和林金芳主编:(中华医学会继续医学教育教材)《闭经诊断治疗指南及解读》. 北京. 清华同方光盘电子出版社. 2012-07-01:P47~52 (ISBN 978-7-89477-323-4)
2.《第七章 人类生殖工程技术应用中的伦理学问题及相关法律法规》。见乔杰主编:(全国高等学校教材)《生殖工程学》. 北京. 人民卫生出版社. 2007:P213~223 (ISBN 978 - 7 -117 – 08886 – 2/R.8887)
3.《第四章 妊娠生理》和《第五章 妊娠诊断》。见孔北华主编:(全国高等学校医学规划教材)《妇产科学》. 北京. 高等教育出版社. 2005:P33~53 (ISBN 7 - 04 -016773 – 5)
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